Does Getting Involved Work? YES / by Lee McKnight

Sitting in the City Council meeting last week, listening to the Residential Infill Project testimony, I was struck by how few voices actually made it to the podium. 

Portland is known, nationally and internationally, for our commitment to civic involvement and our neighborhood association system. (This video is a great introduction to what makes our system unique.) In 1974, the city created a system of neighborhood associations and granted them specific political power. The neighborhood associations were intended to give more folks a voice in policymaking.

Ironically, what I have observed is that neighborhood associations come into city planning conversations with protectionist and status quo perspectives. I wonder if they are representing our citizens as much as was originally intended.  The City recently changed the Office of Neighborhood Involvement to the Office of Community and Civic Life, in an attempt to involve more folks in the political process–not just homeowners with an agenda to protect what they have. I don’t want to minimize that motivation, as it is human nature to do so, but the well being of our entire city is rarely served by such a narrow perspective.

If you are interested in getting more involved in the work of the City of Portland, now is the time!  There are so many ways in which you can be of service and/or have your voice heard. Starting with the bureaus and reaching up to the City Council and even the Mayor, you have an opportunity to speak your piece and affect change.  You can start by visiting the auditor’s website to find out how the Council works and what is on their agenda.  Know that if you want to testify, either in person or by email, it is very simple to do so.  

If you think you may be more interested in volunteering or serving on an advisory committee, this link will take you to a list of opportunities to pursue.  It should be something that you have either an interest or expertise in, but, in my experience, the staff is happy to get newcomers up to speed. 

Make 2020 the year you become a part of the City that Works!