April is Fair Housing Month / by Lee McKnight

The Fair Housing Act offers protections to those engaged in housing-related activities (renting, seeking a mortgage, etc.). And it also requires HUD and anyone receiving federal funds from HUD to "affirmatively further fair housing" because fighting discrimination is a great start, but we also need folks actively working to overcome patterns of segregation and foster inclusive communities. We know that unfair housing practices impact everything in our communities by literally changing who gets to live in them.

One way we can honor the intent and aims of the Fair Housing Act is by supporting the Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO). FHCO educates policymakers, planners, real estate and social services professionals, housing providers, and tenants on current rules and regulations to prevent discrimination in housing. They also affirmatively further fair housing by engaging these same groups in conversations about the future of housing policy and planning in Oregon.

Support Fair Housing Council of Oregon here>>