When The Outdoors Finds Its Way In / by Lee McKnight

We cap our chimneys, secure mesh coverings over gable vents, and seal up any and all potential points of entry to crawl spaces high and low. These efforts are not in vain, but they're not bulletproof either. Many homeowners are familiar with the dread experienced upon hearing the squealing, chirping, padding, rustling, or scratching of a non-domesticated animal.

In the past few months, one client reported that a family of Vaux Swifts is living in their chimney this summer, another has been dealing with a family of skunks that settled in beneath her garden shed, and yet another reached out in a panic with a squirrel "somewhere in the house." These things happen, and when they do, it's wonderful to know who to call.

Of course, you can always call us, but we are not licensed to do anything with wildlife unless they're in the market to buy property. Thankfully, we can direct you to a few helpful resources in and around Portland.

Chirping in your chimney? The Audubon Society is here to answer your questions and offer support should you encounter Swifts or other non-predatory birds in distress. Start here: Vaux Swifts in Chimney FAQs

Critters creeping overhead or underfoot? Oregon State Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has a comprehensive list of licensed wildlife rehabilitators. These folks are familiar with state and federal regulations, including endangered, protected, and invasive species. 

Prevention (and Post-prevention) Services: Whether you're getting ahead of a problem or square in the middle of one, this Portland-based company has gotten great reviews from our clients on both fronts. Pests & Pollinator Integrated Pest Management>>

Photo by Richard Sagredo on Unsplash