Urban Gleaners: Meeting People's Needs, No Questions Asked / by Lee McKnight

In the days of yore, gleaning referred to gathering leftover grains and produce after harvest. The good news: we have an ample food supply in the U.S. The bad news: much of that food goes to waste (40%), and 1 in 5 Oregonians struggle with food insecurity. Portland non-profit Urban Gleaners is committed to reducing food waste and the stigma around food insecurity.  

They collect and redistribute over 80,000 pounds of food every month–prepared, packaged, and fresh produce. The food they pick up from local restaurants, catering companies, large food service venues, grocery stores, and local farms is redirected to schools, other non-profits, and their Free Food Markets at locations around the Portland Metro area. Anyone is welcome to shop at Urban Gleaners' markets; no qualifying questions asked or paperwork required! 

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Learn about other gleaning organizations across Oregon and the country>>